Minimally visible scars, fewer side effects, and a quicker recovery time are all advantages of a minimal incision facelift. Our surgeons will meticulously create incisions along the client’s anatomical outline for a more realistic result.
A Minimal Incision Princess Facelift or Prince Facelift doesn't require as much tissue removal as a full facelift and concentrates on the midface. This minimal-incision procedure might be a more affordable anti-aging therapy when compared to a complete facelift. A Minimal Incision Princess Facelift or Prince Facelift ranges in price based on whether a limited incision neck lift and/or an upper lid blepharoplasty is performed at the same surgical session. Frequently patients require an upper lid blepharoplasty to be performed at the same time as the Princess or Prince Facelift depending upon their anatomy.
In general, men and women in their mid-to-late 40s up to their 60s are suitable candidates for the Princess or the Prince Facelift surgery. There isn't a cut-off age; instead, we consider a person's general health, history of smoking and/or sun damage, genetic factors, mobility, and treatment objectives.
A minimal-incision Princess or a Prince Facelift can make you seem 10-15 years younger than you did before by tightening sagging skin and restoring functional definition to your midface, chin, and jawline. So you'll see a far better version of yourself in the mirror every morning.
Individuals who have had a Princess or a Prince Facelift report that they seem on average 12 years younger than before the procedure.
Many patients experience aging in the same ways and places that they did before a facelift. The jawline will ultimately soften, lines around the lips and nose will appear, and the cheeks will eventually lose some of their fullness. However, it can take over 10 years for these to appear after a Minimal Incision Princess or a Prince Facelift.